PowerPoint XP Introduction
The PowerPoint XP Introduction tutorial takes you step by step through the core to intermediate tasks in PowerPoint XP.
Introducing PowerPoint XP Starting PowerPoint and Help
Screen Components
Presentation Views
Navigation and Zoom Settings
Creating Presentations Presentations
AutoContent Wizard
Opening, Saving and Closing Opening Presentations
Saving and Closing
Using Existing Presentations Importing and Exporting Slides
Moving and Copying Slides
Formatting and Slide Design Formatting in Slide Pane
Formatting in Outline Pane
Arranging Slides
Slide Layout
Masters, Headers and Footers Title and Slide Masters
Multiple Masters
Speaker Notes and Handouts
Headers and Footers
Proofing and Printing Spell Checking
Finding and Replacing Text
Slide Shows Transition and Animation Effects
Extra Slide Show Features
Packaging Presentations